Happy New Year!
It is the Year of 2011!
Welcome to the twin pillars of happiness!
Weeeee~ have u all make any new year resolutions?
By right, all of us should have a few new year resolutions to motivate ourselves, to improve ourselves.
Even if u have failed to achieve your 2010's resolutions, try again this year!
No harm trying it right?like ME!!!
Such a big failure in achieving anything.hahaha.
So here is my resolutions this year!
1) Sleep earlier!!!This has always been an issue for me!My dark circle is getting worse. It looks like as if someone has punch my eyes!!! =(
2) Eat more fruits and vegetables!!Because I am such a carnivore if u know me well..
3) Save more money!!It's fire burning fire burning in my bank account! =(
4) STUDY STUDY AND STUDY!!No more slacking around..ok ok..I am really determined this time!!Say YEAHHHHHHH! :P
5) Maintain my weight or get thinner! YESSSS!At last I get thinner now but I want back my chubby faceeeeeeee!Why some girls can still have their chubby pretty face when they slim down?!And how come their boobs never get smaller wan?!
6) Stay away from all the evil EMONESSSS!
7) Must do mask every week!Cannot lazy...I am aging!!WTH!!!! =(
8) Can I stop my fattieee from getting fatter??I wonder...............Hahahahahha.
9) Learn to be a better person each day and learn from my past mistakes. =)
And yupppp....thats my New Year resolutions for year 2011!
I know life is not a bed of roses, so I'll try my best to achieve what I've mentioned above!
I gotta be determined man!
It is a new year, so lets have a new and great start!
Cheers everyoneeeee! OXOX