Monday, March 10, 2008

humans are confusing~~

i just read one of my friend's blog..
i feel weird and confused and actually kinda piss of with what she've said in one of her post..
i know she is refering the A and B to me and one 1 of classmates.
i feel weird and confused and i feel her perceptions on 'people' is usually negative and too sensitive towards her is right that most of the people are 'two-faced people'.but u can't just assume that everyone is 'two-faced people'..
i'm confused because i don't understand why she said i'm trying to protect A whereas i didn't.
i don't see any reason why i should protect A or bluff her because of A.A is not someone who is important to me and i don't bother about her at all.if A is wrong then she is wrong.if A is right then she is right.
if A is someone who is real important to me who play significant role in my life,then maybe i'll reconsider it.but no..not at all..
she can write whatever in her blog.thats her blog.her life.i don't mind but when it comes to this i cannot..
i don't like people to accuse or blame me for bluffing them whereas i didn't..i'm sure everyone doens't like it.not just me..the feeling sucks!
and hey..u rather want me to tell u something or create some story which is not the truth to satisfy your six sense and yet it becomes a sin to me?
how do u know it is not the truth when u don't know the truth and thats the reason why u ask for the truth right?
six sense is not always right..thats all i can say..
i'm not trying to be kind at all.I'M NOT!
i'm just being honest and to tell the truth.i'm not talking or lying on behalf of A, but me myself.i'm not on her side and i'm not on your side too.i'm not on anyone's side.
what should i tell when i already tell the truth and i don't remember or recall that A has whispered to me about whatever thing at all.
all i know is A kept on ask me questions on macroeconomy and i felt being disturbed..
argh!!life is so complicated sometimes and rather confusing when it comes to social life..
u tell the truth but people choose not to believe it but to believe their six sense..
the truth that lies within~~

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