Thursday, September 10, 2009


I gotta spend my weekend here in Penang due to my Accounting test on Saturday.
FIRST time ever I spend my weekend here ever since 27th July.LOL.
At first plan to join my coursemates to play badminton but LAZY!
Wanna sleep and take a good rest. ^^

Guess what I've taken for my dinner?
My all time favourite!!!!
McDOnalds!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Loving It!!!! :p

At first when I call to take order, the girl told me the Sg.Dua area is raining, call back later.
Then the second time I called, she said not sure whether can send or not due to insufficient of delivery boy!CACAT right??Got such thing??
Asked me to wait for 1 and a half hour to wait for confirmation, she will take my order first. =___________=
OKIEEEEEEEEEE lo..I wait looooo..because I really feel like eating McD.

Too hungry, thus I ate two packets of Sultana biscuits and a Justea Greentea!! =))

peach justea is NICE!

Then a message came "order coming"..YAY!!!!I thought it is COMING, so I wait in my room.then another 2 messages came written "order coming".Then I went out to see, he is there already.CACAT.type la "order has reached"...COMING...=_______=

I've fulfilled my wants!
I ordered Spicy Chicken McDeluxe medium set and apple pie! (NO more banana pie.SAD case)

my saviour of the day!!! ^^

But suprisingly I don't feel full.normal.something is really wrong with my wrong man!!Tomorrow is day is Saturday and then Sunday...LOL.What am I going to do here??SHIT!I should be studying now....grrr...distraction!

and wth..FONG THEW PEE.......destroyed my cute name!SHIT~

Enjoy your weekend people!! =)))


Anonymous said...

Laugh My ASS OFF!!
so darn funny!! ur name?
No more bee bee but Pee Pee! muahahahaa

jpthedarkknight said...

walao.. so fat stil dwan go exercise?

BearBear said...

LOL! next time know dy.. must call thew pee!!!

Anonymous said...

wahh..din want go play badminton sumor eat mac'd home!
u don scare become fat fat ahh....
when u become fat fat like me...
regret is just too late@,@

siah said...

beez btw siah here!