Monday, March 29, 2010

the end of my DEBATE

At last................................
the small challenge of my life this year: marketing DEBATE was over!!!!!!!!!!!
yippieeeeee! :p
though it was a small challenge but it seems so BIG to me huh??haha.
I was like making a big fuss over it..complain to my mum...basically I was complaining to everyone....LOL.. was scaryyyy k?
I'm afraid to speak in front of the public though those audiences are my coursemates all.. :p

in my room(Taiping) before going for debate.look pro kan? :p

Thanks to Sasha, Sin Yong, Yin Ming and Jia Ling, not forgetting Kay Sen for making this debate a good one. (I think it is good enough for our level la :p )

and I tell u what....both my hands were shaking terribly!
I think those who sat in front can actually see it!!

....and here is the end of my worries..... no no!
I still have a number of assignments to be completed!
I hope I would fully utilise my time during this 2 weeks of tuition free week!!
Happy holidays of doing assignments to my dearest coursemates :p

Good night peopleeee!
I gotta sleep now..darn tired!!!
Buhbyeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)


-YKL- said...

cantiknya gambar tu.. tapi haih better not say la.. nanti kena marah.. hehe

Chiew Bee said...

u better tell me!!
fat??panda eye???eye bag???OLD???

-YKL- said...

old gua and fat as well.. haha