Each darling for 1 night.. :p
My brother-in-law was outstation. So, my sis asked me to sleep over at her house to help her to babysit her two lovely monsters.
At first I was quite reluctant to stay over because I want to do revision for my upcoming midsem test, but what to do..I'm a good sister..haha..gotta help my sis la since my mum is not around for 2 days.
So, for the first night, I slept with my second niece.
Gosh...=___________= she talked a lot..hell a lot..kept on asked me to talk with her and said she cannot sleep..she learnt some hokkien words from her kindergarten i supposed and asked me what does those hokkien words mean..it was damn funny...she even requested for bedtime stories..=_______=
Then I ma tell her about Snow White lo(i know it is lame but I run out of ideas) but after I tell halfway, she said she wants some monster stories..LOL....
After that, i beh tong already...i asked her to count from 1-100...and she did..but she still said she can't sleep..walao....then at last drag til 11.30p.m only she fell asleep.that also i pat her butt and thigh non-stop.LOL.
...and u know what...she can rotate 360degrees when she is sleeping...lol..i wonder how she managed to do that..lol..got once, her feet was on my brother-in-law's face when they both were sleeping..geng or not??!!hahaha.
LOL..her sampat & kepo face before she sleeps..
So..that was the first night...
When it comes to the second night, my first niece wanted to sleep with me as I promised her that I would sleep with her that night..
Before my sis close the door, she said, "Ehhh..later don't talk to her or else u will know..." with a big wicked grin on her face.LOL..
Then I tried not to talk with her and I purposely close my eyes lo..she sleep til very near with me and as I opened my eyes, her face was so near with mine and it makes me burst into laughter and we both laughed like mad girls.LOL..she kept on make me laugh and laugh and laugh..she told me some funny stuffs which obviously doesn't make sense at all and again, we both laughed together again..til around 11.10p.m., she managed to fall asleep..ahhaa..
It is really fun and happy to sleep with them..my first time..hahaha.
Looking at them while they are sleeping makes me smile..they are so cute and I feel pinching or kiss their cheek when they are alseep..
I can feel the bahagianesss in me when they sleep beside me.LOL..
I really love them though sometimes they annoyed me to the maximum when they disturb me during my sleeping or busy time.
They definitely bring out the best in them without having to act or to pretend..they truly smile when they are happy and they will cry when they are being scolded or when they are angry...
They are just so real..kids are so naive that u would laugh at their sillyness and can't help but to love them..awwww.....i want to be a good mother next time!!!HAHAHHAHA..
That 2 nights meant a lot to me.
I was happy because of them!!
They deserve my love and sayang!!! =))