Thursday, March 26, 2009

eat sleep makan tidur...

that is my main activities everyday...
last time busy busy with eating and sleeping..great..such a "healthy" lifestyle huh?
i put on weight and that makes me don't feel like shopping.
just like the other day..i went to pelita...i ordered 1 plate of mee goreng, roti pisang and roti bom and i finish it all by myself!! =(
...and the first thing i think about after i wake up is food!!!
yesterday while i'm wathing that hong kong drama the gems of life, i'm enjoying eating honey stars, some biscuits, muruku, lolipops, ice-creams, stop myself from eating those fattening food, i hunt for fruits!!goshhh....come to think about it, it is scary!!!
my mum was like staring at me 1 kind when i keep on walk to the kitchen to hunt for food and teased me saying that i'm gonna be a fatty!
i think i really would if i continue eating like this...
all i think about is food food food and food!!!!!! =(

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